Joy of Living Cooking School

Posted on 2024.02.01 by • Updated on 2024.12.30

To be added to our mailing list let us know.

Join us in person at 3rd Saturday 6pm, or check back for the YouTube Playlist Schedule: Click on links below for playlist





YouTube Playlist Schedule 2021: Click on links below for recipes

Download FREE Full Plate Diet booklet; recipes, menus, tips for health

The recipes for 2020: Black Bean Salad, Grilled Squash & Tomatoes, Fresh Apple PieGary’s Squash Soup , John’s Vegan Mash Potatoes.

Presentations and Videos provided by Lifestyle Matters.

2025, Every 3rd Saturday each month* (except Oct & Nov & Dec) on our YouTube channel for a FREE (donations welcome) Cooking Class, demonstration of Vegetarian and Vegan dishes you can prepare in your home.

Please call the church office if you have any questions about our next upcoming event or look in our calendar for the menu.

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