- Friday Night Bible Study
Come join us as each Friday Night at 7:00pm VIA ZOOM Bring your Bible.There will be Prayer, a little Singing, prior to the study.Contact John V. for ZOOM details or call the church office for direct contact.
- Holiday Food Pantry
Greetings Woodside family! God has been good to us through another year. We have so much to be thankful for! Our Food Pantry is at capacity once again, with October coming in at 73 families served for a total of 306 people! With the holidays upon us, Woodside is once again giving out gift cards…
Read more: Holiday Food Pantry
- Pastors Bible Study
FREE: Please share and RSVP Pastor Randy, so we can set a chair aside. We will be looking into “Desire of Ages: Life and of Jesus Christ” by Ellen White FREE Online format from egwritings.org, egwriting.media.org, GooglePlay app, Apple App For small cost; Amazon formats, hard copy from Amazing Facts,
- W.A.Y F.U.N (Youth Group)
(Woodside~Adventist~Youth Fellowship~Unity~Nurture) Social Breakfast 9:15am-9:40am, Saturdays Bible Study Saturdays at 9:40am each week for both High School/ College & EarliTeens (Jr. High) Many are in our Pathfinder club on campus that meets Wednesdays at 6:30pm-8:00pm GAME NIGHT is held off campus in a home close by. Second Saturday, sunset -11pm (Potluck)
- Woodside Warriors
The Sacramento, Woodside Pathfinder Club, as part of the worldwide Pathfinders organization represents a group of young people (ages 10+ & young at heart staff) committed to personal and spiritual growth, focused on Christian & community service, and determined to properly care for each other and our environment. While sponsored globally by the Seventh-day Adventist…
Read more: Woodside Warriors
- Moms with Littles
Third Saturday is FREE Cooking School at 6pm. We have FREE child care available if you’d like to attend.
- Former Woodside Pastor Steve retirement
Looking for cards of fond memories. 2009-2013
- Monthly Work Bee
Each first Sunday of the month we host work bee from 9am-12pm on campus. Indoor and outdoor. Painting, racking, dusting, shampooing, light bulbs, filling pew cards, join us. Contact Pastor Randy or Jeremy H. for job specifics. It’s a fun time for everyone. If you see any jobs needing to be added to our list,…
Read more: Monthly Work Bee
- Bible Study on Campus & @Home
If you are doing church remotely, helpful links and tools.
- Garden Club
Every Sunday this summer/fall Contact or e-mail our Lead Jen & Franke for New projects. Always looking for contributors and donations. Grow Bags, large planters setting up a watering cycle with timer, vegetation seedlings, dwarf fruit trees, wild flowers, benches, bat houses, lady bugs. FALL/WINTER PREP: If you have week day time call/Text 916.692.0031 a…
Read more: Garden Club
- Joy of Living Cooking School
To be added to our mailing list let us know. Join us in person at 3rd Saturday 6pm, or check back for the YouTube Playlist Schedule 2024: Click on links below for playlist 2024 2023 2022 YouTube Playlist Schedule 2021: Click on links below for recipes Download FREE Full Plate Diet booklet; recipes, menus, tips…
Read more: Joy of Living Cooking School
- The Coming of the Comforter
An 8 part Series “Who is the Holy Spirit, and what is it’s role in our lives? -Please join Pastor Randy as he leads us on one of the most important journeys in spiritual life.”
- End It Now, Seminar
A program of information and resources to fight abuse. Special guest from W.E.A.V.E. will join us. Everyone is welcome to this FREE community event Saturday NOVEMBER 4. Invite a friend to church, stay for potluck at 12:15, and then attend this special event 2pm-3pm in the gym. Link for Printing Promotional Poster
Title Scripture Speaker “The Cross & The Empty Grave, How Will You Respond?” 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 Pastor Randy Speyer “Fearless Heroes of the OLD Testament -1“ Psalms 27:1-5 Pastor Randy Speyer “Fearless Heroes of the OLD Testament -2“ Matthew 5:13-16 Pastor Randy Speyer “This IS MY LIFE“ Romans 2:14-15 Brent Lindgren “Fearless Heroes of the…
- Children’s Spring Festival
9am-3pm FREE, Designed for Local school aged children. We’re going to have all kinds of fun indoor and outdoor activates. Please RSVP by April 28th so that we can prepare.