Holiday Food Pantry

Greetings Woodside family!
God has been good to us through another year. We have so much to be thankful for!
Our Food Pantry is at capacity once again, with October coming in at 73 families served for a total of 306 people! With the holidays upon us, Woodside is once again giving out gift cards to help offset the added financial stress this time brings. We are hoping to give out 100 $20 gift cards: 50 in November and 50 in December.
If you would like to help you can donate directly to the Food Pantry in your tithe envelope (just mark it food pantry) or you can purchase $20 gift cards from your favorite grocery store and give them to Leanne Dawson, Jordon Vaughn, or Elena Elazier.
Thank you as always for all your support through the year.
Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas!