Fall Sermon Series

Posted on 2022.09.26 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.08.27

Sermon Speaker:

Behold the Bridegroom ComethRevelation 22:20Jennifer Uyeyama-Kooshoman
Can we Be Friends?John 15:11-14Pastor Ralph Watts
Our Father the VinedresserRomans 11:33-36Pastor Vince Saunders
Point of ProphecyIsaiah 58: 8-11Pastor Steve Allred
Getting Through the Tough StuffRomans 8:26-29Pastor Randy Speyer
Laughing at the PromisePsalms 126:2Pastor Pedro Trinidad
Getting Through the Tough Stuff: FearPsalm 34:1-8Pastor Randy Speyer
Unshakeable HopeEphesians 1:15-23Pastor Randy Speyer
Give and Take1 Timothy 6:17-19Pastor Randy Speyer
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Summer Sermon Series

Posted on 2022.07.06 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.08.27

Join us each week with a Full Booking of guest Speakers. (June 21-Sept 21)

“The Perfect Dad”Ephesians 3:14-21:Janine Harrington
Humble ReminiscencesActs 42-47Brent Lindgren
Close to YouRevelation 3:20John Lucero
Fishing FaithHebrews 10:35-39Ben Matye
Breakfast with JesusMatthew 4:4
Reference: HMS Richard Sr. “Cleaning out the Wells” audio
Reference: HMS Richard Sr. “If I were a young Minister again” audio
Pastor Ralph S. Watts III
What Does Prayer Really Do?James 5:13-18Pastor Duane Coller
The First Angels Message: A Primer!Revelation: 14:6-7John Verderber
Be Strong and CourageousJoshua 1:6-9Jose Martin
You’re a Mighty Man of ValorRick Johnston
Running God’s Race Well1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Dr. Alan Anzai
The Kingdom of HeavenMatthew 18:1-5Matthew Jakobsons
Three Women of FaithMark 11:22-24Janine Harrington
Are you God’s Gift to the World?Luke 1:59-64John Lucero
Second Angels MessageJohn Verderber
Communion ServiceHosted by Brent Lindgren
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The Shephard Psalm 23

Posted on 2022.05.04 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.08.27

The Next 6 Sermons will follow along with the book “Psalm 23 – The Shephard Psalm” by Taylor G. Bunch (1885–1969) Click on the links below for audio and scripture links.

Click Title name for Audio Files: Pastor Vince Saunders

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Jesus Holds Court by Galilee

Posted on 2022.03.28 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.08.27

Click Title name for Audio Files: Pastor Vince Saunders

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Psalms 119 Sermon Series

Posted on 2022.03.01 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.08.27

Click Title name for Audio Files: Pastor Vince Saunders

Wonderful Things from YOUR LawPsalms 119:18

Your Word has Received MePsalms 119:50

Your Law is My DelightPsalms 119:77

Your Commandment is BroadPsalms 119:96

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Relationships in Rome as Christians Series

Posted on 2022.01.31 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.08.27
Click on Image above for series intro video

Click Title name for Audio Files: Pastor Vince Saunders

The Inexhaustible Source of GraceRomans 12:1-8

Boundaries in Loving RelationshipsRomans 12:9-16

Blessed are the PeacemakersRomans 12:14-21

SAA Music & Pastor Greg Howell Risky Managers & their Talented Turmoil Luke 20:16-21

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Names of Christ series

Posted on 2022.01.18 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.08.27
Click image for video introduction

Series intro: Pastor Vince Saunders “Names of Christ: Amazing Ways He Saves Us” Studies from the Book “Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology” (physical copy) ” The All By Itself Adventist” (physical copy) “The Threefold Art of Experiencing God” (physical Copy)

CLICK The Titles Below for Audio Files

World of Woodside” Sermon

Prince ImmanuelMatthew 1:22-25

“Captain of Our Salvation” Joshua 5:13-15

Enjoying God’s Creation – Guest Pastor Jim Lorenz Nehemiah 8:10 Red Dress Quote: To Grand daughter Page 16 center column

Reward in Heaven” Elder Brent Lindgren Mark 10:28-31

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The Humblest of Wrappings

Posted on 2021.12.25 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.08.27

Worship Playlist.  This week’s sermon will be posted online with Pastor Vince Saunders titled “The Humblest of Wrappings” by clicking on the image above. Follow along inhttps://youtu.be/Gb9j-d4IwJw the sermon series in “Hebrews.” Beginning with Scripture Matthew 2:12-14.

Check out pervious Sermon Notes.

Ways to have a meaningful family worship, download SDA Hymnal, download this Quarter study

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CHRIST Compared to the PROPHETS

Posted on 2021.12.18 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.08.27

Worship Playlist.  This week’s sermon will be posted online with Pastor Vince Saunders titled “CHRIST Compared to the PROPHETS”  by clicking on the image above. Follow along in the sermon series in “Bible Promises of Security.” Beginning with Scripture Hebrews 1:1-4.

Check out pervious Sermon Notes. Partaking Communion at Home.

Ways to have a meaningful family worship, download SDA Hymnal, download this Quarter study

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Communion at Home

Posted on 2021.12.13 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2022.12.07
Sabbath Dec 31…we will be joining together in the Lord’s Supper on campus, join us.
What is communion? 
There are two components: a) Foot washing (Ordinance of humility) John 13:1-17 b) Lord’s Supper 1 Corinthians 11:23–30 If you are able to do foot washing at home, by all means, do so. (If you are able and desire to do so with your family – please do. But we are not requiring for everyone to do so). Communion is an open service available to all members and non-members who feel the need to express their love and desired commitment to God. If you have any questions or would like to arrange a pick-up or drop for communion kits (this option is available for seniors and sick/shut-ins), please email office or call/text 916-692-0031.
PREPARATION of the EMBLEMS – if at home (emblems provided for in person)
Unleavened Bread – How to make it? (recipe)1 cup fine-ground flour (preferably whole grain)1⁄4 teaspoon of salt2 tablespoon cold water1⁄4 cup olive or vegetable oil*You can also purchase Matzah or arrange to pick up from the church or for a drop off on Friday.
Directions – Sift flour and salt together. Pour the water into the oil, but do not stir. Add this to the dry ingredients and mix with a fork until all the flour is dampened. Roll out between two sheets of waxed/or parchment paper to the thickness of thick pie pastry. Place on an ungreased, floured baking sheet, and mark off with a sharp knife into bite-size squares, being sure to prick each square to prevent blistering. Bake at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 to 15 minutes. Watch carefully during the last five minutes to prevent burning. (This recipe serves 50 persons. Adjust according to the size of your family, if you make more – set aside what you will use for the service).
Wine – (Kedem/Concord Grape Juice) How much wine and how much bread for each person? Small portions – not for physical sustenance but for spiritual sustenance (1 Cor. 11:20-22). Principles are important but spiritual application is primary.
SPIRITUAL PREPARATION Have the physical emblems – but more than that… prepare spiritually—which includes heart-searching, repentance, confession, reconciliation, and unity of faith. (Ephesians 4:3, 4)—this is required before we can participate in the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper (1 Cor 11:18-20; 27-29). “Passover is a reminder of the deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. The Lord’s Supper is a reminder of our personal deliverance from the slavery of sin. We have been redeemed, not with gold or silver, but “with the precious blood of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:18, 19)

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