SUMMER Family Night

Posted on 2025.02.06 by • Updated on 2025.03.03
FREE open to public Potluck
See Rick Clip Board for host sign ups
Summer Weds June 6:00p-8pm

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January Pie Auction & Talent Show

Posted on 2024.09.10 by • Updated on 2024.12.30

We host our annual Pie Aution the LAST saturday in January every year

Cost is (1) one pie per house hold. We have a free to sign up talent show, then we follow up the talent with a Pie Auction. The auction helps to raise money to fund the Pathfinder club and their upcoming trip to the 2029 International Camporee.

If you are unable to come in person and you still want to support the club and this amazing, life changing trip, follow this link to donate to the club directly.

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Posted on 2024.08.13 by • Updated on 2024.08.16

Lets start with an introduction: If you were joining us in person on Saturday morning at 9:30am, a greeter would hand you a “Connection Card” so that we could get to know you better and serve you. Our park like property is like a nestled forest in a big city.

We have have several study classes to choose from; in English, Ethiopian, or Indonesian.

Worship is at 10:55am, with a nice mix of current worship songs and Hymn Music. Join the Team.

Get to know everyone through our fantastic Potlucks on the first Saturday or each month after church. Our park like property is like a nestled forest in a big city.

Check out our Ministry page to get connected with what’s happening here. If you are interested in joining in membership or a ministry don’t hesitate to reach out to Pastor or the office.

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Moms with Littles

Posted on 2024.07.22 by • Updated on 2024.10.09

Third Saturday is FREE Cooking School at 6pm. We have FREE child care available if you’d like to attend.

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Finding Your Spiritual Gifts

Posted on 2024.01.31 by • Updated on 2024.05.01

1 Peter 4:10 Tells us that Each person has received a gift. Spiritual Gifts, like natural gifts, are God given as a creator.

When we work in a ministry in which a person is gifted, that work will energize that person- not drain. This tool has been designed to help you identify your spiritual gift .

List of Spiritual Gifts: Online Survey (results go to Woodside SDA Church Office)

Youth Directed online survey, Youth directed printable survey, turn in sheet 14 to office or Sabbath School teacher.

Conference Online Survey, please email the office your results, we’d love to plug you in.

Further reading on the topic of Spiritual gifts. Visit our online library and check out a book.

Spiritual Gifts APP, This app is a concise reference of bible scriptures about spiritual gifts.

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Audio-Visual Needs?

Posted on 2023.08.27 by • Updated on 2024.08.27

If you’re looking to host, or present as part of, an event at Woodside Seventh-day Adventist Church, please consider completing an Audio-Visual Needs Survey to understand what resources we have available, let us know how you’re planning to use those resources, and help us better meet your needs.

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