Worship Series: February 21- March 14

Posted on 2015.03.02 by Rebecca • Updated on 2015.06.24


Beatitudes Sermon Series – four parts by Pastor Vince Saunders

February 21: Kingdom of Beggars & Mourners, Isaiah 61:1-4

February 28: Meek & Hungry for Good, Numbers 12:3

March 7:  Blessed Be the Samaritan, Micah 6:8

March 14: Happy in Peace and Persecution

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Prophesy Speaks Hope Online

Posted on 2012.10.30 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2015.06.24

The Prophecy Speaks Hope Seminar recently presented at the Woodside Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sacramento is now available for download or viewing online.  As each seminar is uploaded it will be added here, so visit often for the latest content:

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Sabbath School

Posted on 2010.01.13 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2021.09.15
Cradle Roll

Join one of the Bible Study Small Groups that meet each Sabbath. It’s a safe and inviting way for those who have a desire to deepen their biblical understanding, share their biblical discoveries and apply the scriptures to their lives.

9:30am Saturdays: Currently we have ALL age group classes meeting IN PERSON Sabbath School classes meeting inside ON CAMPUS. Some (Adult, WYA, Cradle roll) groups also have additional meetings via Zoom @9:30am, or Friday Adult via Zoom. Check bulletin for link.

While other on campus ministries are suspended. We would like you to take a look at having an @ home Bible study. Consider some easy steps to help you get started.

Adult Study: both teacher and student downloads. Join our FB discussion, (adult crosswords) Online Discussions and lessons, Discover Bible School

Children’s Study: follow the links for Beginner, Kindergarten, Primary, Juniors Power Points, Podcasts and resources. (app also available) Discovery Mountain, KidsClubforJesus, Free Children’s Activity Sheets

Several classes are available for a variety of age groups from 9:30 am to 10:30 am each Sabbath morning.

Cradle Roll*0-3A
Youth/Young Adult16-30K
Adult, Hearing Assisted30+Sanctuary
Adult, English30+Center
Adult, Ethiopiancurrently joined30+Sanctuary
*A parent/guardian must accompany their child.

All are interactive and you will enjoy getting better acquainted with the other members of your class. Pick the brains of your teachers and fellow students and enjoy learning together!

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Discover Bible School

Posted on 2009.12.09 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.07.22
Discover Bible School Resources

What is Discover Bible School? Simply put, it is Bible study by mail.  Participants learn to understand the Bible and enjoy reading it, while working through a printed guide and corresponding with lay ministers.

Coordinators: Bob B.,  John V., and Claudia, will be happy to help you and connect you with this growing and fulfilling ministry. Meets Sunday at 2pm.

Click Here, for more information or to participate in this study online.

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