Sabbath School

Join one of the Bible Study Small Groups that meet each Sabbath. It’s a safe and inviting way for those who have a desire to deepen their biblical understanding, share their biblical discoveries and apply the scriptures to their lives.
9:30am Saturdays: Currently we have ALL age group classes meeting IN PERSON Sabbath School classes meeting inside ON CAMPUS. Some (Adult, WYA, Cradle roll) groups also have additional meetings via Zoom @9:30am, or Friday Adult via Zoom. Check bulletin for link.
While other on campus ministries are suspended. We would like you to take a look at having an @ home Bible study. Consider some easy steps to help you get started.
Adult Study: both teacher and student downloads. Join our FB discussion, (adult crosswords) Online Discussions and lessons, Discover Bible School
Children’s Study: follow the links for Beginner, Kindergarten, Primary, Juniors Power Points, Podcasts and resources. (app also available) Discovery Mountain, KidsClubforJesus, Free Children’s Activity Sheets
Several classes are available for a variety of age groups from 9:30 am to 10:30 am each Sabbath morning.
Class | Description | Ages | Room |
Cradle Roll* | 0-3 | A | |
Kindergarten | 4-6 | C | |
Primary | 7-9 | B | |
Juniors | 10-12 | B | |
Earliteens | 13-15 | F | |
Youth/Young Adult | 16-30 | K | |
Adult, Hearing Assisted | 30+ | Sanctuary | |
Adult, English | 30+ | Center | |
Adult, Ethiopian | currently joined | 30+ | Sanctuary |
All are interactive and you will enjoy getting better acquainted with the other members of your class. Pick the brains of your teachers and fellow students and enjoy learning together!