Davis Fellowship

Posted on 2023.01.31 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.05.15

Currently on hold until we can regroup with some fresh members.

We are a satellite group of Woodside church (like an off campus Bible study class). We meet in Person with the hopes to meet the needs of Davis and other non local members.

Hosted by Deacons: Al (contact Woodside if looking for information)

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Mid-Week Renewal

Posted on 2020.04.03 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.05.15

NEW SURVEY 6pm, Wednesdays

Take a minute to help us gather information as to how Woodside can best fit your needs.

Click on this SURVEY LINK

Contact the Pastor or Office for more information or if you would like to be apart of this group or

starting a small group

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New Member Lunch

Posted on 2016.02.25 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.05.15


February 27, 12:30-2:00pm in the Woodside Center.

We will be welcoming all new members and have information for potential members as well as a presentation on the history of Woodside and discovering your spiritual gifts.

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Family Nights

Posted on 2015.05.26 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.05.15

Beginning June 17 @ 6:30pm please join us this summer for potluck dinners on Wednesday, songs, Nature Nugget (intelligent design) presentation followed by games for all ages.

Menu Schedule:

August 5: Corn on the Cob, Salads, Melon

August 12: Sandwiches, Chips  Veggies & Dips, Fruit Salad, Ice Cream & Cookies

August 19: Breakfast Bar, Fruit & Nuts

August 26: Finale, International Cuisine Night, Home Made Ice Cream

If you would like to sign up to be apart of hosting a meal or sharing something about how wonderfully made this world is, please sign up with Rick J. or call our church office and we will connect you with him.


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Family Night Ends Aug 20

Posted on 2014.06.30 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.05.15

Join us each Wednesday night through August at 6:30pm – 8:00pm. Over the summer there will be themed potluck dinner, “Nature Nugget” (where we focus on aspects of Intelligent Design), and games to follow.


Please bring an international dish to share

Aug 20 – International Cuisine Night, international dessert & Home Made Ice Cream

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Mid Week Renewal – Authentic Community

Posted on 2014.04.03 by WoodsideSDA.org • Updated on 2024.05.15

Please join us each Wednesday at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary for a Biblical study.midweek logo

For added bonus log onto your YouVERSION app and scroll down to “Live events” and join us LIVE from your pew seat or from your sofa.

Some Upcoming topics with Links to our YouVersion Live Events:

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