Join us for 10 days of Prayer

Posted on 2014.01.04 by Rebecca • Updated on 2015.05.13

10 days of prayer 2014

Join Woodside as we participate in 10 days of prayer.  Beginning January 8th, 2014, Adventist churches around the world will join each other in prayer.  Woodside will follow the 2014 themes based on Luke 11:1-13; however, a variety of alternate themes are available on the 10 days of prayer website.  If you’re too late to join us, conduct your own at home or with friends:

DayThemeTime (PST)
Wednesday, January 8 The Secret of His Power7-8pm
Thursday, January 9 Children of the King6-6:30pm
Friday, January 10 Name Above All Names5-5:30pm
Saturday, January 11 Kingdom Work First8:30-10am
Sunday, January 12 Walking in Step with Jesus8:30-9am
Monday, January 13 Filled to Overflowing5-6pm
Tuesday, January 14 Clean Hands, Pure Heart6-6:30pm
Wednesday, January 15 Victory in Jesus7-8pm
Thursday, January 16 Unlimited Power6-6:30pm
Friday, January 17 Pleading for the Spirit5-5:30pm
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